Last updated on July 20th, 2023 at 07:21 pm

The check engine light is a diagnostic feature on the Honda motor and it is an indicator and in this post we will look at how to reset check engine light honda accord 2013, 2009, 2005, and 1997.
If your Honda has an unsolved issue, its check engine light will come on informing you that all is not well with the car.
The check engine light can come on even for a simple problem like loose gas cap.
When you discover that the check engine light of your Accord is on, you need to find out the reason as quick as possible to avoid further damage.
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How to Reset Check Engine Light Honda Accord 2013
Neglecting or ignoring it can lead to a serious problem. However, fixing the problem responsible for the check engine light does not turn it off in most cases.
When this happens, you will have to reset the check engine light of your Honda.
Having the red check engine light of your Honda coming on can be worrisome. However, there is no reason for that as your vehicle is only trying to pass a message across.
This is informing you that there is a problem with your car, and if it is not fixed, it could damage the engine.
A flashing check engine light is an indication that there is a serious problem which needs to be fixed immediately.
If the engine light is glow then, the problem might not be very serious. Whatever make of Honda
Accord you are using, do not ignore check engine light as you risk failure of engine which could cost you greatly.
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- reset check engine light honda accord
- how to reset check engine light honda accord 2013
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Reset Check Engine Light Honda Accord
There are so many issues that could trigger the check engine light in your vehicle. It could be a problem with the mass airflow sensor, gas cap, spark plugs or wire connections.
Whatever the cause might be, as long as the problem is fixed, the engine light will go off. However, this is not always the case.
The check engine light will need to be reset in some cases for it to go off. If you want to reset the light, you can follow any of the ways below.
Scan Tool
This is one of the easiest ways to reset the check engine light of your vehicle. The first thing you have to do is to connect the tool to the On-board diagnostic connector (OBD- II).
You can check your manual to locate it. After connecting, turn all gadgets off and switch on the ignition.
Now, click on the read button on the scanner so you can look at the engine’s error codes. You may want to write down these codes, in case you need them for future repairs.
The last step is to click on the erase button on the scanner to get rid of the code. Once you clear all the codes, the check engine light will simply turn off.
You might have to use the YES or CLEAR button instead of ERASE on some scanner.
Disconnecting the car battery
Another way to reset the check engine light is to disconnect the battery cables of the car. To do this, you will need a socket wrench to remove the cables.
Then, you need to remove any electricity that might be on the vehicle’s capacitor. To do this, you have to press the horn for a few seconds.
After you have disconnected the cable and gotten rid of the electricity, you can reconnect the cables after waiting for a minimum of 15 minutes.
You can now delete the error codes and the check engine light will go off. However, disconnecting and reconnecting the car battery cables might not work on all cars.
Wait it out
Another method you can try is to leave the light for three days and go back to driving your vehicle.
This is after you are sure you have fixed the problem triggering the check engine light. When the car’s computer keeps checking back for the problem that triggers the light but finds none, the engine light will go off.
The check engine light will go off automatically. However, if the light still remains on after three days then, you may try the other methods mentioned earlier.
Switching the ignition on and off
What you have to do in this method is to insert your key in the ignition and turn in on and off three times. Do this consecutively in a split of seconds. Once you are done, drive your car to check if the check engine light has been reset.
How to Reset Check Engine Light Honda Accord 2013
If the check engine light on your Honda Accord 2013 comes on, it is an indication that your vehicle is not healthy.
A blinking engine light means that the problem is serious and needs to be fixed as fast as possible.
If it does not fixed, the issue might result in engine failure which could be dangerous and more costing.
The light might be indicating that the engine is misfiring as fuel may be entering into the exhaust system. You can quickly fix it before it is too late.
Another reason why the engine light comes on is whenever the spark plug is dirty or a gas cap is too loose. These problems are simple and not too costly to resolve but might cause more damage to the vehicle, if they are ignored.
Sometimes when you fix the issue that is triggering the check engine light in your Honda Accord 2013, the light will still remain on.
If this is the case, you will have to reset the check engine light manually. You can do this by using a scanner or disconnecting the battery as mentioned in this post.
How to Reset Check Engine Light Honda Accord 2009
There are many things that could cause the check engine light of your Honda Accord 2009 to turn on. It could be a minor problem or a complex one.
You can only know this by the glow of the engine light. If you notice the performance of your Honda is declining then, it may be a huge problem that needs to be solved.
If the check engine light remains on even after solving this issue then, you can use a scanner tool to clear the code or disconnect the battery cables.
You should be able to reset the check engine light of your Honda Accord 2009 by doing this.
How to Reset Check Engine Light on 2000 Honda Accord
The check engine light of your Honda Accord 2000 could come on due to different reasons. Some of these include transmission issues, loose gas cap, battery problems, bad fuel economy, faulty spark plugs, and so on.
Whatever the problem might be, you will need to fix it as fast as possible. If you notice the check engine light does not go off immediately, you have to reset it.
To do this, you can use a scanner, or disconnect battery cables. You can follow any of the methods mentioned earlier in this post.
Reset Check Engine Light f150
If you notice the check engine light of your f150 remains on even after fixing the problem, you can reset it. You may take your vehicle to a dealer and ask for it to be reprogrammed.
The power train module needs to be reprogrammed in order to be able to reset your settings. Another thing you need to do is to disconnect the battery.
The check engine light might go off, if you disconnect the battery negative terminal for a few minutes.
The check engine light of your Honda Accord might stay on even if you have fixed the problem.
Once you are sure there are no problems that could be triggering the vehicle, you might follow any of the methods mentioned in this post to turn it off.
However, if none of them works, you may consider taking it to a professional for better diagnosis.
I hope this post on how to reset check engine light Honda Accord has helped you.
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