Last updated on June 28th, 2023 at 07:59 am
If you would want to learn about the symptoms of a bad mass airflow sensor or maybe you are bothered with the question “Can You drive with a bad mass airflow sensor”? then this is the article for you.
MAF sensor (Mass Air Flow) is one necessary component to keep in check in your car. A bad mass airflow sensor can cause the various issues to your car if not attended to so that is why to like to show you Bad MAF sensor symptoms to look out for so you have to be fully informed and know it is time to have seek for replacement of the sensor in it bad.
Meaning of MAF sensor
First, the acronym “MAF” here stands for (Mass Air Flow) so when mentioning MAF sensor we simply mean Mass Air Flow sensor.
The MAF sensor of a car is the component that determines the amount of air mass that passes through the air tube of a vehicle. With the aid of the PCM, the MAF sensor performs this calculation by a simple multiplication of the air volume by the air density.
The air mass information produced by the MAF sensor is required for the vehicle engine control unit (ECU) to be balanced. A Balanced ECU helps deliver the appropriate fuel mass to the engine, this brings about optimal functionality to the vehicle.
Now that you know the meaning of the MAF sensor and what it does let’s move on to various types of MAF sensors.

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Types of MAF (Mass Air Flow) sensor
There are several types of MAF sensors found on vehicles. They include the Vane also known as an airflow meter, the cold wire, hotwire, and the Karmen Vortex MAF sensors.
#1. Vane MAF sensor
Vane MAF sensor otherwise called airflow meter operates using a potentiometer to transfer a variable. It also on some occasions can use a changing Voltage signal to the PCM as a measure of the air volume.
#2. Cold Wire MAF Sensor
Cold wire MAF sensor on its own utilizes a thin metallic strip that vibrates’ as the air is passing through.
The vibration usually changes in its rate or frequency as does the signal that is sent to ECM (Engine Control Module).
#3. Hot Wire MAF Sensor
The type of MAF sensor is the Hotwire MAF sensor, which has a heated filament like a toaster. It is the hot wire mass airflow sensor that regulates the mass air flowing into the car engine’s air intake system.
Usually, the hot wire mass air sensor resistance will increase or decreases as cold air pass through the filament, creating an increased current to maintain the sensor’s heat which is later transformed into a current signal and then sent to PCM (power-train control module) for the adjustment of the air-fuel ratio.
#4. Karmen Vortex MAF Sensors.
The next and final type of MAF sensor is the Karmen Vortex MAF sensor. This sensor is functional just like the rest but it additionally forms a vortex sensed by a mirror and a photocoupler.
The signal for this sensor is converted to power to be sent and deduced by the power-train control module.
Dangers Of A Bad Mass Air Flow Sensor On Your Car – P0100 P0104 P0171 P0172 P0174
Cleaning MAF sensor
This filament of your car’s MAF sensor can get dirty and will make it go bad, so it’s important that a regular cleaning schedule is maintained to keep the MAF (mass airflow) Sensor running at its optimal state.
Using a CRC mass airflow sensor cleaner, you just have to remove the sensor and open the CRC spray head then Spray the filament till it is dirt free and clean, then you now have to re-install or couple back the MAF sensor. You can also read this article for more MAF sensor cleaning options. Also read Mass Air Flow Sensor Cleaner Alternative if you like to get additional cleaning tips.
11 Symptoms Of a Bad Mass air Flow Sensor
A Bad MAF sensor can lead to poor driving experiences such as engine stalling and jerking or hesitation when you accelerate. This can happen when your vehicle is speeding or cruising down a street. Driving in this condition prolonged can lead to injury and accidents. These symptoms can lead to severe injuries and accidents.
The proper fuel-to-air ratio is essential for your vehicle. A vehicle that is running rich has too much fuel but not enough air. These are additional signs that your car may not be running right:
- Your vehicle’s tailpipe start emiting black smoke
- When your Fuel efficiency becomes lower than the usual rate.
- Your car starts to rough idle
- A display of Check engine light on your dashboard
These problems can occur when the mass sensor or MAF sensor gets damaged, or when some of the mass sensor wires are clogged up with dirt and dust. This prevents it from accurately measuring the airflow and then it begins to send incorrect information to PCM. The PCM at this point may now overestimate the airflow and release too much fuel. This problem can easily be fixed either by a mechanic or by yourself simply by cleaning the wires of the MAF sensor. You may be experiencing a Check Engine Light. AutoZone can help you find the code by fixing it.
When your Mass sensor is low it means that your vehicle is using very small or too little fuel or too much air. The MAF sensor sends inaccurate information to the PCM, much like running rich. Instead of overestimating the amount, the MAF sensor is underestimating airflow this time.
While this may temporarily increase your fuel efficiency, it can cause severe damage to your vehicle if you continue running lean for too much time. You may experience:
Engine hesitation and ongoing
Hard engine seizures
It is hard to start
Check engine light
The solution to other MAF sensor issues may be as easy as cleaning the wires. However, it is a great idea to have your vehicle mass sensor inspected by a qualified mechanic.
To see the diagnostic trouble codes that the system gives you, check if your Check Engine Light has turned on. The full text of this Code is P0101 – Mass Air Flow Sensor Circuit Range/Performance.
Your car engine computer uses the MAF sensor signal to calculate how much fuel must be injected in order to achieve the correct air-fuel ratio. The engine computer also uses it to calculate engine load. This signal can also be used to modify the automatic shifting pattern or troubleshoot the traction control system. One leading causes of this code are a dirty, obstructed, or faulty MAF sensors, but it can also be caused due to:
Damage to the intake boot
Leakage of vacuum cleaner
The air filter in the engine is not correct or clogged
Clogged-up cat converter or restricted exhaust
There are a lot of other likely causes of this code, so it is worth investigating these possibilities before replacing the sensor.
When you accelerate, go too fast, or be too rich, your vehicle may jerk. You are meant to fix the problem as soon as possible to avoid expensive repairs, save money on fuel, and avoid getting stuck on the road. You may only need to clean your MAF.
What are the symptoms of a bad mass air flow sensor
A bad mass sensor can present in many ways, not all of which are immediately obvious.
5. Illuminated check engine light: The MAF sensor may be responsible for the performance and circuit trouble codes. However, fuel trim and misfire codes are also possible to be connected to it.
6. Problem Accelerating – If you have difficulty accelerating in highway traffic, or while passing, your ECM could be limiting injection because of MAF sensor issues.
7. Rough Idle: Without the right amount of fuel, it is hard to get a smooth idle. The engine might not start smoothly if the MAF sensor is damaged, especially when it is idling.
8. Poor Fuel Economy The MAF sensor doesn’t have to go out of business completely to impact fuel economy. Poor fuel economy can be caused by an ECM error that adds more fuel than it should.
9. Black Exhaust smoke: Sometimes, the ECM can make the exhaust black. This can cause catalytic converter overload.
10. Surging or Hesitation: You might feel a sudden increase in power or hesitation during acceleration. This can be alarming.
11. Hard starting: If the MAF sensor signal has been distorted, engine starting may require more fuel than idling. However, the ECM may not be able to command enough fuel injection to get the engine started immediately.
All these problems don’t simply mean your MAF sensor has gone bad. You can see signs of a bad MAF sensor in a vacuum leak, clogged exhaust, restricted exhaust, or a clogged catalyst. Make sure to check your intake system first.
If your car’s check engine light comes on while your vehicle is exhibiting any of the symptoms above, you need to check the MAF sensor of your car.
You can do this with an OBD-II code reader which you can get for cheap on Amazon if you don’t already have one.
See this one here on Amazon
The Code P0101 is a simple indication that the signal from the MAF sensor is way above the normal range, meaning that you need to replace or get a new MAF sensor.
But before you get a new MAF sensor, I will recommend you first try cleaning your MAF sensor to be sure that the issue is not coming from a dirty MAF (Mass Air Flow) sensor.
Please refer to the above mass airflow sensor cleaner recommendation.
Bad Mass Air Flow Sensor no Check Engine Light
If you noticed from the above symptoms of bad mass airflow sensor check engine light is the number 1 symptom and that is because it is the foremost indicator of a bad MAF sensor. However, in some scenarios, you might still be having a bad mass airflow sensor, yet no check engine light will.
So if you notice any more than one of the above symptoms on your car, place check your MAF sensor too.
They are all indicators of a bad mass airflow sensor.
Can You Drive with a Bad Mass Air Flow Sensor
My response to this question is yes. You can drive your vehicle with a bad mass airflow sensor for a while, but it is not advisable to continue doing so for a long time even if your car can still run smoothly. Driving for a prolonged time with a bad mass sensor can escalate beyond just the Mass airflow sensor problem to a more severe engine problem that might even require getting a new engine.
Am sure you know how expensive the cost of buying a new engine is if you don’t know, here it is:
The average cost of a new engine is around $7500 whereas replacing or repairing your MAF sensor problem will cost you nothing more than $200.
So be wise, the difference is clear. Here is what will happen if you didn’t change the bad mass airflow sensor of your vehicle.
My Recommended CRC mass air flow sensor cleaner

There are lots of products recommended for the cleaning of the MAF sensor. The one I prefer is shown below and it could be found on Amazon.
I) CRC 05110 Mass Air Flow Sensor Cleaner – 11 Wt Oz
Common Symptoms of a Dirty MAF Sensor
Some common symptoms of a dirty MAF sensor comprise of:
- Power loss
- Poor gas Mileage
- Hesitation and stumble.
This is what happens when your car’s MAF sensor becomes dirty. Your car MAF sensor will signal the PCM (power-train control module) of the shortage of airflow causing an extreme positive Long Term Fuel Trim no.
The PCM then thinks that the air-fuel ratio is too thin and will keep adding fuel to compensate to make up for the imaginary shortfall.
On the other hand, an excessive positive Long Term Fuel Trim (LTFT) (+ 10%) is an indication of a persistent lean fuel condition.
This then prompts the PCM to trigger the car check engine light when fuel trim exceeds 25% in either direction.
This clearly gives you the answers to the question “ is check engine light one of the symptoms of a bad MAF sensor”
What would happen if you didn’t change a bad mass airflow sensor on your vehicle?
When your car’s MAF sensor is bad, it makes the car engine computer miscalculate the right amount of fuel to be injected which leads the computer to leave a trouble code, and then the check engine light will come on.
Your car might still be running with this problem code but it will not allow the engine to work very well because the car computer is doing guesswork.
And because the data the car computer is been working with is not exactly accurate, this could lead to more serious issues on the engine.
MAF Sensor| Can a bad mass air flow sensor cause transmission problems
Your car Mass Air flow Sensor is what measures the airflow to your vehicle”s engine intake assembly. The mass sensor is used for determining engine load. So Yes, when it is faulty, it can cause automatic transmission problems or issue like an early soft shift or late harsh shifting. Sometimes may even lead to no shifting issues as well. Mass airflow sensor directly affects engine performance and there is a problem it, can cause poor engine running and reduced drive power.
Conclusion on MAF sensor with Bad mass air flow sensor symptoms
I hope I have been able to give you a satisfactory answer to the query “Can you drive with a bad mass airflow sensor”
The key to ensuring that your car engine does not severely get damaged is to look out for Bad mass airflow sensor symptoms which are otherwise abbreviated as MAF sensor symptoms.
In this post, we have covered the meaning of MAF sensors, the types of MAF sensors, and even discussed the reason why you might be having a bad mass airflow sensor and no check engine light.
We also discussed what would happen if you didn’t change a bad mass airflow sensor on your vehicle. The dangers of a bad mass airflow sensor on your car.
Please feel free to share this post if it was helpful to you.
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