is hydraulic fluid flammable

Is Hydraulic Fluid Flammable (Meaning of hydraulic fluid flash point)

Is hydraulic fluid flammable and what is hydraulic fluid flash point? Hydraulic systems work and perform tasks by using a pressurized fluid.  And the importance or role of Fluids in every hydraulic system cannot be over emphasized. There would be no operation in a hydraulic system without the presence of hydraulic fluid. Temperature changes will affect the hydraulic fluids and how it works in every system. 

This is because whenever the temperature increases, the fluid would also evaporate, and whenever the temperature decreases, the fluid will freeze also. This is one of the major problems with every hydraulic fluid. Is in this post we are going look at the conditions of hydraulic fluid. is hydraulic fluid flammable?   Or is hydraulic oil corrosive? How hydraulic oil fire looks and many more. Why Are BMW Oil Changes So Expensive

So what is Hydraulic Fluid?

Hydraulic fluid happens to be a lubricant that is used in every hydraulic machine-like pumps, motors, valves, and cylinders. Though Hydraulic fluid also has many other usages which include steering systems on boats and cars. 

However, there are two major types of hydraulic fluids:

  • The Oil-based Hydraulic Fluid: This is a thin oil-based liquid that contains water consistency made from crude oil.
  • Synthetic Hydraulic Fluid: This is a thick liquid produced from petroleum products that don’t require to be mixed with a thinner base oil for any usage in some machine. Is Brake Fluid Flammable

Is Hydraulic Fluid Flammable?

Hydraulic fluid flammability is dependent on whether they chemical component for that particular hydraulic fluid. A Hydraulic fluid can indeed be flammable because of their flashpoint and raw material. Even at that, they can also be non-flammable depending on their variant. As said above, there are two major types of hydraulic fluids:

  • Petroleum-based
  • Water-based. 

Their flammability depends on their variants, which are as follows:

For petroleum-based hydraulic fluid

  • All hydraulic fluids that contain petroleum are more flammable than water-based oils.
  • The petroleum-based hydraulic fluid has high levels of mineral oils, and this has higher flammability in its substance.
  • All petroleum-based hydraulic fluid has a reachable flashpoint which results in their ignition.

For water-based hydraulic fluid

  • All water-based hydraulic fluids are almost non-flammable because of their nature.
  • They have higher water content. This means that the more the water level, the higher it will be non-flammable.
  • Their flashpoint can’t be reached easily, which will result in incombustibility.

Hydraulic Fluid Flashpoint meaning

Hydraulic fluid flash point happens to be the lowest temperature that a liquid will ignite. Note that it is vital you understand hydraulic fluid flashpoints in case of an accidental fire, this is because it can be very hazardous to human life. So the Flashpoint of every hydraulic fluid is about 214 degrees Celsius (°C).

Is Hydraulic Fluid Dangerous? 

Some hydraulic fluids are not as dangerous as we thought. Yes, this is true. But they are not supposed to be directly touched, swallowed, or inhaled. 

However, any skin exposure to the hydraulic fluid can be managed by using soap and water to wash it out. But the best is to ensure there’s no unnecessary exposure to hydraulic fluid. 

Is Hydraulic Oil Flammable Or Combustible? 

Yes, hydraulic oil is both flammable and combustible liquid except the water-based ones. As we know, hydraulic oil is used in the equipment they were made to work for.This causes more pressure and tends to change the properties of substances.

So due to the pressure on the equipment, the hydraulic oil would already have a large amount of heat which could cause the oil to combust. 

Therefore, it’s vital to make sure that any hydraulic equipment is maintained properly as any compromised system can result in a conflagration. 

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Is Hydraulic Oil Corrosive? 

Yes, hydraulic oils are corrosive. This is because the most important component of a hydraulic system is the hydraulic oil, and whenever it is degraded by heat, water, or any chemical reaction, it could lead to the corrosion of some metals.

There are lots of hydraulic devices that consist of metallic parts which need liquid and/or chemical additives for them to operate perfectly. So these additives are what contribute to corrosion.

In addition, any prolonged contact of non-pressurized hydraulic oil on the skin can cause irritation, dermatitis, skin redness, eczema, and other serious diseases like skin cancer.

So why is hydraulic oil corrosive?

Hydraulic oil corrosion on any system can be costly and time-consuming. Remember that contaminants are the major cause of corrosion. However, some other reasons are as follows: 

  • Sealing Failures: Hydraulic seals are the component that helps in preventing the entry of external particles. Whenever these seals are damaged or not well aligned, it means contaminants can easily enter the system. When these contaminants contain water molecules, and due to their chemical actions, could react and cause corrosion.
  • Inappropriate Fluid and Material Selection: When the component and fluid materials are not compatible with each other, they will cause corrosion. As you know, fluid can be acids, ammonia, crude oils, etc… and these fluids can exhibit different chemical & physical properties. So when you select a non-compatible fluid and material, it will start corroding due to certain reactions.
  • Heavy Load or Long-time operation: This is one reason that can make your system to be overheated. When in this kind of environment, the fluid temperature will increase and affect fluid properties, and this too can cause corrosion. 

Hydraulic Oil Fire 

Hydraulic oil has been the cause of many fires incidents, this is because hydraulic systems are highly pressurized. Note that flames coming from a hydraulic oil fire can spread over dozens of meters. Hydraulic oil fires mostly happen whenever an oil spray and a hot slab come in contact. This can happen whenever a hot slab, hot slag, or liquid metal drops onto hoses, which ignites the oil. 

The risk of hydraulic oil fire can be eliminated by shifting to non-combustible hydraulic oil or the use of electrically or pneumatically operated equipment.

Is Tractor Hydraulic Fluid Flammable? 

Yes, hydraulic fluid in a tractor can be extremely flammable. This is a major factor in many fires that have happened over the years, and whenever it happens, the fire damages can increase significantly.

As you know, hydraulic systems are highly pressurized. It means that flames coming from a hydraulic oil fire can spread to long distances. When in a factory, the fire can easily get to cables and other combustible materials which can increase the fire quickly and rapidly.

So you must assess the risks related to tractor hydraulic fluid so you and others can be protected at all times.

As I said before, the risk of hydraulic fluid flammability can be eliminated by shifting to non-combustible hydraulic fluid or the use of electrically or pneumatically operated equipment.

Flashpoint Of Hydraulic Oil In Celsius 

Flashpoint of hydraulic oil in Celsius happens to be the lowest temperature that a liquid will ignite. Note that it is vital you understand hydraulic fluid flashpoints in case of an accidental fire, this is because it can be very hazardous to human life. The flashpoint of hydraulic oil in Celsius is about 214 degrees Celsius (°C).

Is Elevator Hydraulic Fluid Flammable?

Note that there is no non-combustible hydraulic fluid for elevator application. Also, sprinklers are installed at the bottom and top of elevator hoist ways. That’s if the elevator uses polyurethane-coated steel belts or other related combustible belt material. 

So yes, elevator hydraulic fluid can be extremely flammable. 

Is Hydraulic Oil Flammable?

The answer here can be no or yes! Hydraulic fluids can indeed be flammable because of their flashpoint and raw material. Even at that, they can also be non-flammable depending on their variant. 

Note that flammability can be divided into many classes. These classes are class A, class B, class C, and class D, respectively. Their types of hydraulic oil are mentioned below:

  • Hydraulic oil is from class B of the fire. All the mineral oils that are included in this class are petroleum, alcohol, hydraulic oil, and many others.
  • Class B is generally comprised of flammable liquids that have combustibility and can react with fire.
  • Apart from class B, there are lots of other classes in the fire. They also represent elements from class C, which are known to be metals and have great combustion of fire. Class D is known to be the cooking oils that also contain lower flashpoints and catch on fire.
  • Note that the flammability of all the classes listed above follows a definite order. But the highest rate of flammability of the elements is found in class B, compared to class C. Also, the combustibility of class D elements is even lower than class C.


Hydraulic fluids play an important role in every hydraulic system and while responding to the question “is hydraulic fluid flammable” I mention some are depending material component. I also discussed the Maning of hydraulic fluid flash point  and is hydraulic fluid dangerous. There would be no operation in a hydraulic system without the presence of hydraulic fluid. These Hydraulic fluids can be adjusted according to the need

However, when there is no risk of fire hazards, petroleum hydraulic fluids can be used. But, when in a sensitive ignition point, the non-flammable water variant should be used.

As you know, sufficient and proper care should be taken when hydraulic fluids are in use or nearby. When there are preventative measures, fires can be avoided.

I hope you understand my respond to the question “is hydraulic oil flammable or combustible” and whether hydraulic oil is corrosive as well.

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