15) 2006 subaru outback check engine light cruise control flashing

5 Reasons for Subaru Outback Flashing Brake light and How to fix It

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Last updated on July 13th, 2023 at 05:06 pm

If you are into cars you would know the Subaru. Everyone without exception would know a Toyota because of their powerful branding and affordability worldwide, people know the Tesla for luxury and then the Honda and Peugeot for strength.  

The Subaru Outback which is the focus of this article excels in strength and speed. According to US News on cars, The 2021 Subaru Outback has a projected reliability score of 70 that is out of every 100. This is pretty high in comparison to other cars in the same category.

The Subaru Outback has seen good and bad times. The 2013 Subaru outback was one of the worst models of Subaru.

It was notorious for excessive oil consumption and cost an average of $1,590 to repair. According to a website called Subaru Complaints, some of the common defects of the Subaru are;

  • Unintended acceleration
  • Brake Light switch defect
  • Fuel Pump Failure
  • Cracked Windshields
  • Subaru Starlink problems
  • Drained batteries

The most common Subaru Outback problem is the flashing brake light.

Which why I am writing to help you see the reason why Subaru outback brake light cruise control may be flashing and even how to solve Subaru outback warning light indication on dashboard issues.

 The flashing brake light actually indicates that there is a problem with the braking system that needs to be fixed. But like all good notifications, you hope that after you have been notified, it goes away.

A bit similar to seeing an alarm notification in your iPhone or android and swiping left. The Subaru’s outback flashing light does not go away in that manner.

That is probably why it is so annoying. This article will explore 5 reasons why this happens and how to prevent it from continuing.

You must know that a brake is an essential component of a car, driving with a faulty brake may make that very day your last. We will explore how to fix a Subaru Outback flashing brake light, what can cause Subaru outback brake light cruise control flashing and what multiple warning lights on the dashboard of Subaru Outback mean.


5 Reasons for Subaru Outback Flashing Brake light and How to fix It

Here are the reasons;

No 1: Your Emergency Brake is engaged

When you are driving your 2011 or 2012 Subaru outback, if you notice the brake light flashing on the dashboard you have to stop the car and check out what the issue might be.

One thing you can do first is to check your emergency brake if it is engaged. If it is, turn it off and the light will stop flashing on the dashboard. This answers the question; “How to solve Subaru outback warning light indication on the dashboard” which I am sure many of you had while reading this article from the beginning. The 2013 Subaru outback flashing brake light or the 2011 Subaru outback flashing brake light is not something to take lightly.

No 2: Brake system failure

The next reason that you note 2012 or 2011 Subaru outback flashing brake light on dashboard is a failure in that Subaru braking system. The Subaru Outback has two different circuits in its brake system.

If something happens to any part of the brake system, at least half of the Subaru outback wheels will have brakes.

This is a fail-safe mechanism to prevent car crashes in the event of brake system failure. Knowing when this is the case is essential in understanding how to fix a Subaru Outback flashing brake light.

If a part of the brake system fails, Subaru’s differential switch will measure the pressure difference and send a report to the brake light signaler that there is a significant difference. This is when you start seeing your Subaru light flashing on the dashboard. When you see it, stop the car and call the nearest mechanic to take a look.

No 3: Your brake lights are faulty

Unlike all the other grave circumstances mentioned earlier. Sometimes it can just simply be that you have a faulty brake light. The solution for this is simple; change the brake light and all your problems are over.

While this one may not be as grave as the others, it may still result in serious damages. When calling a mechanic, ensure to call one specifically skilled in fixing Subaru Outback and not just anyone. You don’t want to work on the car and have more problems develop afterward on the road as you travel.

No 4: Your parking brake is on the “On” position

subaru outback electronic parking brake light flashing

There are times when you park the car and you realize that the brake light is flashing, check to see whether you are using the parking brake. If you have parked successfully, you can turn it off and the light will stop. If you actually ignore the light and drive, you can damage the brake. The brake pad and fluids will overheat in such instances. So this is the main reason for Subaru outback electronic parking brake light can be flashing in your Subaru.

No 5: Your Brake Fluid is Leaking

The other reason your Subaru Outback’s brake light might be going off is that the brake fluid might be leaking. Typically the icon that blinks will give you a sense of which problem may have developed but it is always better to let a professional handle it.

How to solve Subaru Outback warning light indications on dashboard

To solve the warning light, first, turn off the car engine. Then check the brake fluids, if low, top off and start the car again to see if the light is still on. If it is not, you are safe to continue. Never ever keep driving after you have seen the brake lights flashing on the dashboard.

What do multiple warning lights on Subaru Outback dashboard mean?

It is actually a bit scary to see so many indications all at once. It can either be that there are many faults that make it unsafe to continue driving, or there are many faulty indicators that do not actually reflect the true condition of the vehicle and sometimes it is that your vehicle charging system has an issue. If you see multiple notifications at the same time, the likelihood that the car will shut down is very high. Drive it to the nearest mechanic for complete inspection before it is safe to drive again.

Car maintenance sucks. I know right. It is absolutely not something you want to get yourself into all the time. One good way to avoid all these stories is to get a brand new car. A brand new car comes with fewer miles and a sound brand new engine. In this car how the car turns out is up to you. But if you buy a bad second-hand car, you and the mechanic will likely become best of friends.

Why is Subaru outback brake light cruise control flashing

When you notice a Subaru outback brake light cruise control flashing, the common cause is a faulty and non-functional cruise control system. The cruise control is the vehicle automatic speed control unit that regulates the car speed automatically. So if anything goes wrong with the unit it flashes a light to warn you.  Most time by simply disabling this cruise control will solve the flashing issue but it is advisable you hire a mechanic to resolve the problem.

Related Article: Why Will Oil Light Come On And Off But Oil Is Full

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